Donation-based nature connection and creative expression circles in Asheville, NC
Sign up for my email list if you would like to stay updated about upcoming in-person and online offerings.

Sound Visioning with Plants
Rather than discovering the uses of plants through blind trial and error, all of our ancestors had ways to tap into intuition and embodied intelligence to collaborate with plants. From acanthus leaves on Greek columns to sacred plants etched alongside hieroglyphics, art and plants have always gone together. Come explore the relationship between art, music and herbalism through tea ceremonies accompanied by live plant-inspired music. We will work with a different edible or medicinal plant each month and you will have the opportunity to lay back and enjoy the music or tap into your own creative expression inspired by the experience if you wish. We will provide basic art supplies. Let's re-grow healthy creative culture that helps us collaborate with plants! Suggested donation of $5-$35, with no one turned away for lack of funds. The event location is private. Please reach out through the contact form if you wish to attend and I will send you the address! In collaboration with Benjamin Korta.

Sound Visioning with Plants
Rather than discovering the uses of plants through blind trial and error, all of our ancestors had ways to tap into intuition and embodied intelligence to collaborate with plants. From acanthus leaves on Greek columns to sacred plants etched alongside hieroglyphics, art and plants have always gone together. Come explore the relationship between art, music and herbalism through tea ceremonies accompanied by live plant-inspired music. We will work with a different edible or medicinal plant each month and you will have the opportunity to lay back and enjoy the music or tap into your own creative expression inspired by the experience if you wish. We will provide basic art supplies. Let's re-grow healthy creative culture that helps us collaborate with plants! Suggested donation of $5-$35, with no one turned away for lack of funds. The event location is private. Please reach out through the contact form if you wish to attend and I will send you the address! In collaboration with Benjamin Korta.

Sound Visioning with Plants
Rather than discovering the uses of plants through blind trial and error, all of our ancestors had ways to tap into intuition and embodied intelligence to collaborate with plants. From acanthus leaves on Greek columns to sacred plants etched alongside hieroglyphics, art and plants have always gone together. Come explore the relationship between art, music and herbalism through tea ceremonies accompanied by live plant-inspired music. We will work with a different edible or medicinal plant each month and you will have the opportunity to lay back and enjoy the music or tap into your own creative expression inspired by the experience if you wish. We will provide basic art supplies. Let's re-grow healthy creative culture that helps us collaborate with plants! Suggested donation of $5-$35, with no one turned away for lack of funds. The event location is private. Please reach out through the contact form if you wish to attend and I will send you the address! In collaboration with Benjamin Korta.

Sound Visioning at the Well
Come sip warm rose tea and enjoy a caring musical space in which to unwind and relax. Music that is deeply attuned to the moment can help inspire visions. You can lay back and bask in channeled vocals, Celtic harp, shruti box, fingerstyle guitar and bells. Or you can use provided art supplies to render any visions you have from the music. Singing along is always welcome! Donation-based. In collaboration with Benjamin Korta.

Community Grief Circle
Safer space to grieve together the losses from Hurricane Helene. This event will be held on private land. No cost to attend. Please reach out for additional details. In collaboration with Benjamin Korta.

Sing From Soil
Sing from Soil is a unique 6-week offering that supports reconnection with each other and the Earth. Through vocal expression, herbal tea ceremonies and guided practices that support embodied listening, we will reconnect with parts of our humanity that intuitively understand how to learn from plants and places. For this Fall season, we will drop in deeply to support our transition into winter, allying with grounding root medicines and the land to move into an inward season with intention. We will gather in circles in different outdoor spaces, all within an hour of Asheville, NC, with our main hubs in Marshall and Barnardsville, NC.

Singing the Songs of Plants
In this circle, we will explore our singing voices as instruments to communicate with plant intelligences. Our ancestors did not blindly go around eating plants to see whether they were edible or poisonous. Rather, they utilized meditation, trance states, and other ways to access embodied knowing, including song. This class will provide information on shared characteristics of nature-based music from around the world, with primary examples from the confluence of cultures that make up Western European and Appalachian folk musics. Our circle will be a safer place to explore ancestral grief, blockages to expression, and to be in inquiry around how practicing presence with plants can help guide us towards healing and repair. We will meet and taste edible plants, go on a sonic journey and learn entry points to use our own voices for communing with the varied intelligences of Earth. We’ll meet at Big Ivy by the fire circle and cedar trees. Donations gratefully accepted with no one turned away for lack of funds.

Music Gardening
We’ll enjoy an herbal tea ceremony together, with live music offered as a bridge to connect with plant intelligence. Explore flavor as embodied communication from the plant realm and experience a supportive container to begin to sing the songs of plants. The location for this event is private. Please contact us through the contact form for details. We will meet many plant friends! Sliding Scale $35-65, with donations of any amount accepted. No one turned away for lack of funds.

Grounding and Opening: A Sonic and Somatic Journey (Art Play Gallery)
In this co-created performance event, we'll collectively explore an emergent field of multimedia improvisation. Supported by an experimental sound environment created by Sarah Louise and Ben Korta, Maybel Ovalles will improvise a movement exploration that translates the fields, textures, and resonances of sounds as they rise, fall, and evolve . Audience members are invited to participate through informally “drawing” what they see/ experience - or simply to witness the process as it unfolds. At the end of our time together, we'll have an opportunity to share, if desired, what arose through these drawing and mark-making experiences.

Singing for Peace
In this circle we will practice using our voices to connect with grief so that we can gain clarity around how we can be of service during this time. I will offer a vocal sound journey to assist with visualizations and invite you to join with your own voice. Please make a donation to an organization that helps those suffering from war and displacement if you are able.

Firefly Gathering
I will be performing and teaching at this year’s Firefly Gathering. Below are descriptions of my classes:
Ceremonial Medicine-Making
What goes into the jar? Light from stars our ancestors knew. Flowers our grandparents grew. Smoke from rosemary plants we tended all year. And we seal it all with song. Plants contain the memory of millions of years of life on Earth. And if we listen closely, our bodies instinctively know how to learn from them. Ceremony is a cross-cultural human technology that produces rhythms in our lives that are the opposite of the linear, fast-paced culture of urgency that causes harm to our human and non-human kin. By embodying life-supporting rhythms, we will explore ways to create new ceremonial lineages of herbal medicine by learning directly from plants themselves, while making room to honor the painful emotions that can accompany loss of tradition. While we will have room for important discussion, this class will largely be hands-on, allowing space to be in practice making medicine together that is infused with care and deep listening to our mountain ecosystem. When we show up in our dignity as human animals, this collaborative approach to herbalism can offer the relational medicine our world needs.
Song and Dance Plants!
On this interactive plant walk, we will lovingly touch, taste and smell plants, savoring sensations as pathways to our own embodied expression. How does spicebush feel in your mouth and what sounds does it inspire? What dance emerges when you spot a coralroot orchid amidst the leaf litter? By reframing creativity as a tool to communicate with other species, we not only help heal cultural wounding around expression, but also foster meaningful relationships with plants that can help restore us as a vital keystone species within a healing ecosystem. We are social mammals. Let our songs and dances be acts of remembering!
Wailing for Healing
This circle will offer supportive space to use vocal expression to metabolize grief, send prayers, care for ancestors and clear blockages to our most authentic expression. On a personal level, un-grieved grief can lead to overwhelm that prevents ease and clarity in our lives. And on a collective level, it can create stagnation in our ability to create positive change. While we will spend the bulk of our time vocalizing, we will also explore song traditions for grief like keening and also be in conversation about how we can integrate healing vocal expression into our own communities. What obstacles prevent your community from having healthy grief culture? What grief support do you wish you had regular access to in non-transactional containers? We will also be in conversation about how to tune into the capacities of our nervous systems and how to care for ourselves after outpourings of grief.
Music Gardening: Music and Skills Edition
Music Gardening is an emergent system to help groups of people sing together without the need for shared repertoire. Rooted in my two decades of studying and embodying animistic music traditions, this particular circle will focus on how music weaves into processes to support healthy communities within healthy ecosystems. We will look to traditional music styles like ancient herding songs that wordlessly communicate with animals and examine how restoring these practices can help us be better stewards and collaborators. We will also explore how we can further integrate song culture into the skills we practice at Firefly to deepen our relationship with what we make at the gathering. Whether your voice is croaky or crystalline, on pitch or not, we can all contribute to building healthy song culture. Let’s be in practice together listening to our bodies and the greater body of the Earth for how music can help restore us as a keystone species that supports all life on Earth.

Music Gardening
Join me at Big Ivy to sing with plants! This circle welcomes all voices and provides supportive space to move through blockages to expression. We will meet some edible plants and offer them care through our voices. Plants are deep beings. We can learn from them through our embodied expression. Please bring a donation if you’re able so I can continue to offer this work accessibly.

Trashy Songs
Let’s offer care to the Earth through our singing as we pick up trash in Carrier Park! We’ll learn about native plants in the riparian zone in the park and use our voices to offer care to one of the oldest rivers in the world. Bring gloves and a donation if you’re able to support the accessibility of this offering.

Music Gardening
Join me at Big Ivy to sing with plants! This circle welcomes all voices and provides supportive space to move through blockages to expression. We will meet some edible plants and offer them care through our voices. Plants are deep beings. We can learn from them through our voices. Please bring a donation if you’re able so I can continue to offer this work accessibly.

Music Gardening at Black Mountain College's {Re}Happening
Drop in with plant intelligence through Rose tea as we presence with the green beings of the historic site of Black Mountain College. We will listen to sensations from the flavor of Rose as embodied communication from this plant, helping us to honor the intelligence of our own bodies and this long-revered sacred plant. We will be in conversation with rose through vocalizations inspired by the sensations of flavor. Western science externalized instruments of perception. With Music Gardening, we honor our own bodies as instruments for learning with the Earth. This practice of inner empiricism is ancient, and it is also a thread that artists such as John Cage and Pauline Oliveros of Black Mountain College explored in their own practices. As someone who was born into a lineage that forgot how to connect deeply with the Earth hundreds of years ago, I view artists from Black Mountain College as vital lineage-holders in an ongoing process of reconnection and remembrance. I view this practice as one aspect of repair for the ongoing harms caused by my ancestors’ disconnection from loving relationship with the Earth and our fellow humans.